Books can be purchased at Amazon https://www.amazon.com/author/lindamullen
The Little Book of Power Prayers is free on this page below as a PDF download.

The Land Without Bars was written to be sent to prison libraries and prisoners through CLI Prision Alliance in North Carolina.
It is filled with stories and thoughts about the Kingdom of God to encourage people and draw them close to their Savior and King.
The book is illustrated with prints from Linda's original watercolors. The fonts and layout are colorful and fun to read.
To send this book to a prisoner through CLI:
* Add one or more books to your cart and click to go to checkout.
*Add CLI to your shipping addresses
CLI Prison Alliance
3001 Spring Forest Rd. Ste. 101
Raleigh, NC 27616

Forgiving is hard and wonderful. But what is it? And how do you do it?
This little book might help.

God said that He would spread the knowledge of His glory over the earth as the waters cover the sea. He will do it through us.

God says we are His child, His son, and His bride. What are the things we learn about God and ourselves in each of these relationships?